The main machine providing a key.
The yellow key leads to this yellow area.
Heir apparent to An Underwater Adventure by Nifflas.
This is a level I made for a competition at the Knytt Stories forums. The rules were quite extensive, but the jist of them was to create a level about the keys. There are 4 keys in Knytt Stories in 4 colors; yellow, blue, red, and purple. Each key was to have it’s own area based on it’s color. The areas were to be found in sequence, one area unlocking the next.
My level revolves around a new character, June. She awakes from a stasis chamber and is immediately summoned by a large machine which is losing power. It instructs June to find 4 other machines and turn them on, there by becoming a hero. That’s all there is to it. The main machine provides June a key to start with, and an additional key for each sub-machine she successfully activates.
The level is not finished yet. The due date for the competition arrived so I submitted it as a demo. You can find a link to the demo below, but I recommend waiting for the finished product. I have no estimate at this time of when the level will be completed. The graphics are originals by me, Tim McDowell. The graphics are an expansion of a collection I made for a request. They are very much a derivative work based on graphics by Nifflas, the creator of Knytt Stories. The finished level is planned to have an intro scene much like the one in my first level, A Knytt in Time. There will also be 2 endings. I also plan to use atmospheric 8-bit track for the music selections. These have been difficult to find.
Download The Dying Core (demo)